Du betrachtest gerade Time. To. Choose.

Time. To. Choose.

You matter.

These times are in desperate need of your light and love.
These times seem to be a big loud calling for your light and love.
These times are demanding you to choose between love or fear. Hate or letting go. Sadness or joy. Violence or forgiveness. Over and over.

You matter.

These times are a chance of an awakening.
It’s like the world is under a huge burning glass.
Bringing out what’s already there.
Take a good look at our planet.
It’s time to really take a very conscious look at yourself and the life you’re living.
Do you make the best effort to live a life that leads to a joyful, bright and loving footprint? For yourself, your family, our wonderful (divided) planet earth?

You matter.

Now is the time.
With all the anger and despair, separation and hate, rage and violence going on in this world, it’s not about answering with even more of the same but with the exact opposite. With softness, happiness, joy and playfulness, in finding a connection, with forgiveness, consciousness, embracing the moment and the most love and good you can find in yourself and others.

You matter.

It’s time to focus on what’s really, really important to you and let go of all the distractions, of all the complaining and doing stuff that doesn’t fulfill your heart and soul and has nothing to do with your purpose. There is a good reason why you are who you are, who you always have been and why you love what you love. Why you laughing so gladly or singing so loudly or whatever it is that makes your heart sing and others smile. Maybe you need to travel back a bit in time. Maybe quite a bit. Maybe there’s a hint in the early days of your childhood.
It’s time to stop messing around and start to listen to the silent voice inside of you that tells you since a while if you’re happy or not, if you creating energy that helps or destroys, if you’re your friend or your enemy. If you’re love or fear.

You matter.

Decide to overcome your fear and dare to shine your light, ask for a lot and be as bright as you can be.
These times are the calling for all the light beings and for discovering the light inside of you. Because every single human being has to sides. It’s about to choose which sides wins. Again and again.


“We are the people that we have been waiting for and no one else is coming.” – T.D. Jakes


Yours Veronika

